Coach Corner: Welcome to my final newsletter of 2017!

  • Easy, Effective New Year's Resolution Ideas
  • Video: Autumn Calabrese Showcases 80 Day Obsession
  • Everything You Need to Know about 80 Day Obsession
  • Challenge Pack Savings
  • Start by Getting a Little Obsessed
  • How to Cope with Emotional Eating
  • Recipe: Potato-Crusted Salmon Fillets
  • Recipe: Maple Pecan Shakeology
  • The Beachbody Opportunity for UK Customers and Coaches
Easy, Effective New Year’s Resolution Ideas

The Keys to Successful New Year’s Resolutions, in a Nutshell
Pick one or two — but no more than three — specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely resolutions that are compatible with your current fitness level and won’t require super drastic changes to your schedule or lifestyle. Start with small and specific goals that can be built on after they’re implemented and habitual. Make sure to factor in an action plan for executing your goals, and building on them once you hit milestones. Pause a few times to re-assess whether your goals are working for you, and don’t forget to celebrate your progress!
  • Try a clean eating challenge, where you vow to avoid processed foods and eat real, whole foods instead. Try this for 30 consecutive days, and when you hit the one-month mark, commit to another 30 days. Repeat until this becomes the way you eat.
  • Cut soda, even diet soda, and high-calorie drinks from your diet. Get your fluids from water, plain coffee or tea (a splash of milk or non-dairy milk is OK), and nutrient-packed smoothies or Shakeology.
  • Eat two extra servings of veggies every day for a month.
  • Track your daily workouts. Beachbody’s My Challenge Tracker makes this easy.
  • Learn how to portion your meals with a program like 21 Day Fix.
  • Cook clean, healthy recipes at home at least four nights a week. Also, try one new recipe a week.
  • When you eat out, swap your carb-filled sides (such as fries or breakfast potatoes) with veggies or fruit.
  • Do at least two different types of exercise every week to keep your body guessing.
  • Do your daily workout early in the morning; you’ll be less likely to schedule something over your exercise time, or not do it because a last-minute meeting came up. You’ll have to fight the urge to snooze, though.
  • Make a workout date with a friend at least once a week. Can’t get out of the house, or too cold and dark out? Invite your friend to your house and get your sweat on in your living room with Beachbody On Demand.
  • Bring your lunch to work four days out of five.
  • Limit the amount of sweetener you put in your coffee or tea. To start, reduce it by half.
  • Drink a glass of water every morning when you wake up.
"Beachbody asked me to create a program that would build your butt, but also shred out your abs at the same time. You can't do that in 21 days, but if we are truly, truly obsessed about it and focused on it, you can get it done in 80 days." Here's Autumn Calabrese showcasing her new program, 80 Day Obsession..

Everything You NEED TO KNOW about 80 Day Obsession!

There are six things you need to know about the 80 Day Obsession:
  1. It is an intense program that will shred your abs and tone and build your booty.
  2. It puts the fitness and nutrition together for an extended time so you build a lifestyle not a quick fix.
  3. It starts January 15.
  4. You need some equipment from day 1.
  5. It is available exclusively on Beachbody on Demand.
  6. There are amazing challenge pack deals to save you money.
Why 80 Day Obsession?
Is it possible to build up a firm, rounded butt AND burn away fat to reveal leaner, flatter abs? At the same time?

The goals seem to contradict one another. So Beachbody asked their “figure expert,” Autumn Calabrese, whether – and how – we could achieve both results using a single fitness and nutrition program. Her answer? A resounding yes – it could be done. “We would need the right workouts in just the right sequence – plus a targeted approach to nutrition – that would last around three months. But to get results like those would really take a commitment.” She thought about it for a minute and laughed, “It might literally take an obsession!”

Now – for anyone who wants a firm, shaped butt AND the flattest abs of their lives, there’s 80 Day Obsession. 80 Day Obsession is an effective, step-by-step approach to building a shaped, curvy butt, while simultaneously shrinking your core. It’s 80 days of obsessive focus on fitness and nutrition, spread over 13 weeks.

Detailed, Obsessive Nutrition

“I know the lingering question on everyone’s mind is what about the food?! Here’s the deal. It’s simple, it’s delicious, and it’s gonna get you the results you want,” says Autumn. “I’ve precisely timed your consumption of carbs, fat and especially protein so that your nutrition is actually doing a lot of the work for you when it comes to body shaping and fat burning. Your meals are timed around your actual workout to help grow and firm the muscles you’re working.

“I’m confident you guys are going to love this macro-nutrition program because it takes all the guesswork out. I literally tell you exactly how to eat AND when to eat, and we use the familiar container system from 21 Day Fix to make sure you’re getting the right portion and combination of each food group when your body needs it most.”

Real-Time, Obsessive Workouts
Beachbody On Demand members can experience each day of this program in real time. Starting January 15, each new workout will be posted for you to do along with the cast. Day by day, you’ll feel like you’re part of the action – following along with Autumn and the cast as they progress through the program.

Is it extreme? Oh, yes. To get in head-turning shape like this demands a serious commitment, meal prep, and a laser-focus on detail. The workouts are intense – averaging 45 minutes to an hour in length.

You Will Need Some Equipment
  • Beachbody on Demand – 80 Day Obsession is only available on BOD. If you still don't have the best deal in fitness, with hundreds of Beachbody workouts and exclusive programming, contact me for the best deal.
  • Resistance Loops – these are needed for most of the workouts in the program.
  • Weights – you will need a selection of light-to-heavy weights.
  • Jump Mat or a plyometrics mat. These are great if you work out on a hard surface. These will take some of the impact off of your knees and joints and will give you a cushion for the moves on the floor.
  • Strength Slides – These are another piece of equipment that are mandatory for the workouts. You can see them in action in Autumn’s video preceding this article.
  • Shakeology – Your daily dose of dense nutrition! This is part of the comprehensive eating plan to feed your body and get the best results. (Check out the Challenge Packs for best pricing)
  • Shaker Cup – A high quality shaker cup for your performance line and Shakeology. You will use it every day, so it is best to have more than one!

How Can I Get 80 Day Obsession?

In order to access the 80 Day Obsession, you will need Beachbody on Demand. It is the best deal out there to get the Annual subscription because you are paid up for a year and get access to every program that comes out during the year, every meal guide, and all the extras.

Here are 3 Challenge Pack options to get the best deals if you DON'T already have Beachbody on Demand:

Option 1: Mega Challenge Pack SAVE $215!

If you are serious about doing the program and looking for the best deal on the complete program experience, this pack includes Shakeology delivered on home direct, an 80-day supply of Beachbody Recover and Energize, 1 year of full access to Beachbody on Demand, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.
Option 2: Combo Challenge Pack - SAVE $210!

Includes Shakeology delivered on home direct, 1 month supply of Beachbody Recover and Energize to try, 1 year of full access to Beachbody on Demand, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.

Option 3: Shakeology OR Performance Basic Challenge Packs - SAVE $140!

These packs include Shakeology delivered on home direct OR Performance Stack (Recover and Energize delivered on home direct), 1 year of full access to Beachbody on Demand, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.

Challenge Packs Go on Sale December 15. Contact Me to Pre-Order for an additional $10 off!
Here are 4 Challenge Pack options to get the best deals if you ALREADY HAVE Beachbody on Demand:

Option 1: Shakeology & Performance Mega Completion Pack - Save $215!

Includes Shakeology delivered on home direct, an 80-day supply of Beachbody Recover and Energize, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.
Option 2: Shakeology and Performance Combo Completion Pack - SAVE $140!

Shakeology on home direct, a one-month supply of Recover and Energize to try, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.
Option 3: Shakeology or Performance Basic Completion Pack - SAVE $70!

Shakeology on home direct OR the Performance Stack (Recover and Energize) on home direct, the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials.

Options 4 and 5, without Shakeology, and already have Beachbody on Demand: SAVE $138 on the Accessory Performance Bundle Pack, which comes with an 80-day supply of Recover and Energize or pay just $49.95 for the Accessory Bundle of the Portion Fix container system, a Shakeology shaker cup, resistance bands + agility slides, and program materials - SAVE 33!
Challenge Packs Go on Sale December 15. Contact Me to Pre-Order to Get Everything You Need to Start the Program!
Don't Wait for 80 Day Obsession! Start by Getting A Little Obsessed

In January, Beachbody will launch the 80 Day Obsession workout program from Autumn Calabrese – a new 13-week program with obsessive focus on fitness and nutrition with a goal of shaping butts and flattening abs. To give a taste of this new program NOW, Beachbody is offering a 5-day introduction called A Little Obsessed on December 20. These workouts are shorter, easier versions of the 80 Day Obsession program and will include a 5-day meal plan and calendar.

Why Shouldn’t I Just Wait for the 80 Day Obsession?
Think of A Little Obsessed like a crash course to prepare you for what’s to come
but not nearly as hard! Just a small taste.

Beachbody explained it like this, “While the 80 Day Obsession will require the kind of obsessive time each day to really sculpt and build that backside and flatten and tone those abs, each A Little Obsessed workout is less extreme and under 30 minutes to let you learn the moves and prepare you for the more challenging 45- to 60-minute workouts in the full program. While you’ll work your entire body, there’s a strong ab and glute focus. So you’ll get to experience Autumn’s proven techniques for sculpting a firm, round butt and carving out toned, flat abs at the same time as you start to strengthen your entire body and burn serious calories.”

You will also experience specific foods and timed eating with Autumn’s detailed nutrition plan created just for 80 Day Obsession. It is what really makes this program unique, and it is a game changer.

Equipment needed:
• Beachbody on Demand
• Light, medium and heavy dumbbells
Three resistance bands
Strength slides
• Mat
• Portion Control Containers
• Shakeology
How to Cope with Emotional Eating

How many times have you eaten not because you were physically hungry, but because you were stressed, tired, bored, anxious, angry, or (insert appropriate emotion here)? You might be an emotional eater. But there are ways to overcome emotional eating.

Many of us have been taught that food can “soothe a mood,” that shoveling scoops of Ben & Jerry’s straight out of the pint can help dull the ache of a breakup. Comfort food — those warm, salty, melty bites of mac and cheese, for instance — preys upon our inability to say “no thanks” when we seek a reward or feel stressed.

When we use food to appease our moods, it sets us up for a vicious cycle of possible weight gain, followed by self-recrimination, followed by more emotional eating. But, I want to assure you that you can and you will stop this cycle if you learn a few simple tools.

Are You An Emotional Eater?
How do you know if you’re eating for emotional reasons? Try this self-test. For the following, answer each of the following five questions with a simple “yes” or “no.”
  • Do you eat between meals even when you’re not physically hungry? If you eat between meals, are you eating on auto-pilot — i.e., mindlessly and without complete awareness and attention to what you’re actually doing?
  • When something upsetting happens, do you reach for the nearest bag of cookies to make yourself feel better?
  • Do you fantasize about foods that are your special “treats” such as chocolate cake or kettle chips?
  • When you eat these treats, do you hide out and eat them by yourself because you’re embarrassed to eat them in front of others?
If you answered “yes” to more than two of the above, you may be an emotional eater. When you want to eat when you’re not physically hungry, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask yourself:

What am I feeling and why? What do I really need besides food right now? (Hint: It’s often rest or a break from what you’re doing.) The healthy alternatives offered below may help you begin to escape the cycle.

Three of the Emotional States That Lead to Emotional Eating
Sadness, anxiety, and anger are the three emotional states I see most often among my patients that can lead to bouts of emotional eating. Some people eat to celebrate (hello, birthday cake), to quell boredom (think mindless snacking while watching TV), to reward themselves (“I just ran 7 miles, so I can eat a fully-loaded cheeseburger and fries”), but when it comes to patterns of emotional eating, I see them stem most from sadness, anxiety, or anger.

Sad Eating
Let’s face it: When heartbreak or loneliness hits, eating that tub of ice cream seems like a good idea. A bit of sweetness to drown out the sorrow… Before you know it, you’re caught in a self-perpetuating negative cycle that can be very difficult to escape. You eat because you’re sad, then you feel even more blue because you’ve eaten so much. This can lead to a “what-the-heck” attitude, increasing the likelihood of overeating when the next bout of the blues strikes.

Healthy alternatives to sad emotional eating:

1. Express yourself: Your melancholy mood was probably caused by an upsetting incident. Get it off your chest by talking about it with someone you trust. If nobody is available to talk, try writing down your feelings.

2. Move: Battle the blues by moving your body and getting your heart pumping. Even doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise can boost the “feel-good” chemicals in your brain.

3. Give yourself permission to let it out: Light some candles, take a hot bath, listen to sad music, cry until you run out of tears. Allowing yourself to feel sad will help you process. Or, put on headphones, turn up the music, and dance, or punch pillows… pick a constructive way to emote that’s not eating.

Anxious/Stress Eating
Many of us eat to relieve our stress or anxiety. Research points out that emotional distress increases the intake of specific foods — in particular, those that are high in fat, sugar, or both. An excessive intake of these types of highly palatable foods share similarities with the effects on brain and behavior that are seen with some drugs of abuse, according to research published in the journal Nutrition.

Healthy alternatives to anxiety/stress emotional eating:

1. Stick to a regular, healthy sleep routine. If you’re not sleeping well because you’re stressed, the lack of sleep can result in poor food choices. Research shows that people who got insufficient sleep for several consecutive nights increased food intake to keep them going. When they returned to getting adequate rest, they stopped eating as much — particularly carbs and fats.

2. Do something relaxing and calming. We all have different ways of relaxing. The next time you feel stressed and anxious and instinctively turn to food, resist the urge to run to the cupboard or fridge, and instead practice a relaxing activity. Consider trying meditation, yoga, or even just pause for a moment to take some deep breaths.

Angry Eating
Unfortunately when we stuff our anger down with food, this doesn’t get rid of our anger. It simply buries it. If we don’t deal with the emotion, it will keep popping up.

Healthy alternatives to angry emotional eating:

One way to get out of the angry eating trap is to delay eating — even 10 minutes will do — and to sit down, take a deep breath, and tune into what you’re really feeling. Ask yourself the following questions and patiently work your way through the answers.
  • What happened today that may have made me angry?
  • Why did that event stir up angry feelings?
  • What do I need to do in order to let go of this anger and feel peaceful?
Remember that emotions ebb and flow. Challenge yourself to keep your healthy lifestyle going during stressful times. This will give you the confidence that you can do this no matter what difficulties come your way.
Potato-Crusted Salmon Fillets

With tender leeks and russet potatoes these crisp, flaky fillets make an ideal weeknight fish dinner. Serves 4.
  • 2 small russet potatoes (about 1 lb.) washed, shredded
  • ½ medium leek washed, sliced thin
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
  • 2 tsp. ground white pepper
  • 2 tsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. unsalted butter
  • 4 (4-oz) raw salmon fillets skinless
Drain potatoes in a colander; pat them as dry as possible with paper towels or a clean kitchen towel. Combine potatoes, leek, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl; mix well.

Heat oil and butter in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Place four 1/3-cup mounds of potato mixture in skillet. Press a salmon fillet into each mound. Top evenly with remaining potatoes; cook for 6 to 7 minutes on each side, or until potatoes are nicely browned and fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.

Recipe Note: Use only the tender white part of the leek. Reserve the tougher green tops for use in broths.
Maple Pecan Shakeology

A hint of pure maple syrup is all that is needed to impart delicate maple flavor and a little more sweetness to Vanilla Shakeology. A sprinkling of pecans, with their distinctive richness, adds just the right amount of nuttiness. If you’re feeling fancy, take the whole thing over the top by dusting your maple pecan smoothie with an optional sprinkling of cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin pie spice.

Intensify the nut flavor of this Maple Pecan Smoothie by toasting the pecans before placing them in the blender. You can do this by arranging the nuts on a baking sheet and placing in an oven heated to 350° until they start to turn golden brown and develop a rich aroma. Alternatively, toast pecans in a dry pan over medium heat and stir them constantly for about two minutes.
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
  • 2 Tbsp. raw pecans coarsely chopped
  • 1 tsp. pure maple syrup
Place almond milk, ice, Shakeology, pecans, and maple syrup in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.
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